Soviet Russian LK-3 Lunar Lander Lunniy Korabl Space Model

Soviet Russian LK-3 Lunar Lander Lunniy Korabl Space Model
A large-scale 54-centimeter model of Lunniy Korabl or LK-3 Lunar Lander built to compete with Apollo Lunar Module.
It was intended to be launched using the N-1 rocket. The LK lander was ready as well as the flight crew but it never made it to the Moon because of the N-1 launch failures, although, several unmanned LK were flown in Earth orbit.
Large, extremely detailed, complicated, very high level of man-made craftsmanship. This model can be a real centerpeice of any collection or catalogue. It has never been seen or offered before in any recent collection.
LK spacecraft model consisted of the lunar module itself and the Block E propulsion system. Structurally, the spacecraft subdivided into the Lunar Landing Aggregate, (Lunnyi Posadochnyi Agregat, LPA) and the Lunar Ascent Vehicle, (Lunnyi Vzletnyi Apparat, LVA). LPA consisted of a lattice-structured main body and a four-legged lunar landing device, (Lunnoe Posadochnoe Ustroistvo, LPU).
Rods, mounting brackets and shock absorbers support (legs) are made of metal. Some small details linkage and brackets mount-on components made of metal as well. The lower part of the body power-frame launchpad made from heavy metal-aluminum, all closed on layout design. The upper frame, which comes to an end positive cone bottom of the case is also made of metal. Stringer on the shell of the cone of the housing are from metal. Conical and some other parts made of composite.
The Cosmonauts: Birth of the Space Age exhibition in London featured the LK-3 lander.
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